
SpotCoaching: A new approach to coaching for organisations operating in the VUCA environment

SpotCoaching undertook a study to evaluate the outcomes of a new delivery format for coaching in a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) environment


This study evaluated the outcomes of a new delivery format for coaching in a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) environment. It reviewed the impact on individuals of making external executive coaches available for individual coaching conversations to all employees at the TalkTalk Telecom Group. The research objective was to identify the potential contribution of this SpotCoaching approach to individual development in a complex rapidly changing business environment.


A case study methodology was used to gather data from multiple stakeholders over a three-month period by independent researchers.


The mixed method data collection included an online questionnaire, one-to-one interviews and a focus group.


Findings reported by participants included increases in confidence and communication skills, the development of personal responsibility and enhanced resilience. Results indicate that the SpotCoaching model can be a valuable development tool for a wide group beyond the executive level. It also suggests that the delivery format common to executive coaching based on fixed and regular sessions with a consistent coach, may not be necessary or appropriate for all contexts in order to show positive results.


Adapting coaching delivery to a more flexible and inclusive format that is in greater alignment with the culture operating in such VUCA contexts can deliver enhanced skills to organisations. In this study it appeared to encourage individuals to take greater personal responsibility for their own contribution and learning thus becoming more agile workers who can thrive in a constantly changing environment.

Published in International Coaching Psychology Review, Vol. 11 No. 1, March 2016.

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